Monday, March 17, 2008


I thought the movie Adaptations was good and well as very interesting. I thought the screenwriter did a very good job taking a book that is percieved as such a simple book about finding a deeper message then turning it into a major motion picture was really accomplishing a lot. I find that a book that many readers wuold find boring and uncapturing was really turned into a movie that many could enjoy. I think that it was a great challenge that teh screenwriter overcame in the way of keeping all the essential parts of the book and turning it into a movie tht had the same message but also had a deeper message. I feel that the end of the movie was too much of a Hollywood ending. The entire movie I felt had such a good meaning to it and in the end was to unreal. It was very action type and I felt like it was a rush to end the movie. All in all, I thought Adaptions was a a fairly good translation from book to screen.

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